Compiled rosters of Minnesota Civil War regiments, [ca. 1865], [ca. 1915].


Compiled rosters of Minnesota Civil War regiments, [ca. 1865], [ca. 1915].

Two separate sets of compilations (ca. 1865 and ca. 1915) of service information on individuals who served in Minnesota regiments during the Civil War. The 1915 compilation also contains registers of Minnesota draftees and substitutes, enrollees in the U.S. Engineers, enrollees in the U.S. Colored Troops, and militia units who served in the 1862-1865 Dakota Conflict. The entries give name, rank, age, nativity, date and place enrolled and mustered, residence, and remarks (usually on service transfer or termination). The 1865 compilation is incomplete, and its entries provide somewhat less, and occasionally variant, data than that found in the 1915 compilation. The compilations are supplemented by a set of compiled muster rolls [ca. 1865] that give similar data.

6.5 cu. ft. (5 boxes and 1 partial box; 3 v. shelved loose.


SNAC Resource ID: 8202644

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